How I got Into Yoga
I first walked into a hot yoga studio in 2014 in search of something to ease my grief over the loss of a loved one. I did not even know that there were different styles of practice! I showed up for a Bikram class in a long-sleeved t-shirt and jogging pants, died over the course of 90 minutes, and came back to life. First I experienced immediate emotional relief, then improved physical well-being, and finally, I found my brain had been rewired for the better.
Favorite Posture
I have a special interest in the simple complexity of standing bow but am a hardcore savasana fan. We DO all these intense postures but the ultimate goal is to just BE.
Why I Love Teaching
I actually found myself teaching "accidentally" - I'd gone to teacher training with the main intention of learning more and deepening my own practice. But on completion of it, I was kindly invited to teach classes and very quickly fell in love with the privilege of witnessing students' journeys. Holding space for yogis, sharing, learning and experimenting alongside them and watching them grow... It warms my heart!
Teacher Trainings
bodyART Training in January 2015
Esak Garcia’s first e84 Teacher Training in January 2017
Level 1 Yin Yoga with Kari Kwinn in 2018