Yes. This is a beginner’s yoga series. The classes are suitable for both beginners and advanced students alike.
Lack of flexibility is one of the most prevalent reasons why people start Hatha yoga, specifically, Bikram yoga. Bikram yoga benefits student regardless of their flexibility and depth that they are able to achieve in each of the postures.
You may feel like you are unable to do all of the postures, but remember it is about trying. Yoga is a practice not a performance. By going into the posture 100% the right way no matter the depth that you achieve you will receive 100% benefit from that pose. Be patient with your body and appreciate the hard work that you are doing to gain and restore your health and well being.
Consistent practice will begin to heal and break through scar tissue. This can be a painful process, however, you will start feeling how your body slowly shifts back into alignment. This can lead to relieving chronic pain over time.
It has been estimated that you burn an average of 800 calories per session, depending on how hard you are working in class. Yoga improves your ability to digest and eliminate food efficiently, while stimulating the glands that are responsible for regulating your metabolism. Regular yoga practice will encourage your body to find balance and an ideal weight.
For your safety. The antibacterial carpet also acts as a cushion for your joints and prevents slipping.
Yoga changes the construction of the body from the inside out, from bones to skin and from fingertips to toes. So before you change it, you have to heat it up to soften it, because a warm body is a flexible body.
Hatha Yoga flushes away the toxins of all the glands and organs of your body. It provides a natural irrigation of the body through the circulatory system, with the help of the respiratory system. The heat is further applied to enhance the cleaning process: when you sweat, impurities are flushed out of the body through the skin.
Our yoga practice does not only increase the oxygen in the body, but also teaches us how to use the oxygen properly- we learn consciousness and awareness of our breath.**
**Additional Reasons for the Heat:
– Enhances vasodilation so that more blood is delivered to the muscles. This means that the capillaries that weave around the muscles respond to the heat by dilation. This brings more oxygen to the muscles and helps in the removal of waste products such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid.
– Allows oxygen in the blood to detach from the hemoglobin more easily. When blood passes through warm muscles, oxygen releases more easily from the hemoglobin. Blood passing through cold muscles release less oxygen.
– Speeds up the breakdown of glucose and fatty acids.
– Makes muscles more elastic and less susceptible to injury.
– Improves coordination.
– Reduces heart irregularities associated with sudden exercise.
– Burns fat more easily. Warmed muscles burn fat more easily than cold ones. Fat is released during stress. The stress of intense exercise causes a deluge of fatty acids into the blood stream. If you exercise with cold muscles, they can’t use the fatty acids and they end up in places where they aren’t wanted, such as in the lining of your arteries.